We Do Out of State Work!
Fully Equipped Shop Ready to Handle Your Project
“American Craftsmenship, Building the Kingdom of God”
Not only do we build America, advancing infrastructure at the highest level. Our heart belongs to the children of God, from the youngest to the oldest. Our goal is to scale this business to provide opportunities for those that never had any. Introducing them to the one who can heal it all, Jesus.
Our goal is to walk alongside addicts and felons, discipling them in the Lord. Then get in the shop and weld with potential opportunity to be on the Sons of Thunder Team.
Boots On The Ground
Boots On The Ground(BOTG) is a Missions team that we are apart of. It is way more than just a team though, its our family. BOTG is a Ministry out of Portage Indiana at City Point Church. This is a group of people that has laid down everything for Jesus and for one another. The core is the Love of God. As we continue to grow closer to him, the more we lay ourselves down. We go where He sends us, whether its locally or to the nations. We see a need, we fill it. 2024 has already unfolded for us, we start off the year in Peru, then India, Mexico after that and ending in Nepal. All to bring the Love of Christ which has changed our lives.
“Here is a picture of us in Nepal. This is where the Lord layed the foundation for Sons of Thunder. Ministry meeting Business.”